NLP Agent of Change - Practitioner level
This is the foundational NLP course where the practical patterns, techniques and applications of NLP are discovered. No previous knowledge, experience or qualification is required for attendance at this level. You will be taken on a journey from first steps to demonstratable skill and ability.
IPANLP suggest that this training is in the region of 20 days, each day 6 hour face to face training. And voluntarily, up to 3 hours practice after each days class. If this is in the presence of the Trainer then it may count toward training hours. The 20 days of training may be taken in smaller chunks. Multiple 2 day weekends, modules of 5 days or 7 days. You may take modules with different trainers.
Here you receive a solid description of what NLP is, a comprehensive history of the beginnings of NLP and clear distinction between Content and Process.
You will learn practically the core NLP Patterns and their application across contexts. You would learn this at the unconscious level, through patterning & discovery exercises, tasks and games. Focus will be given to attention, sensory acuity, calibration and conscious/unconscious connection.
Both Classic Code NLP and New Code NLP will be taught including many of the NLP Techniques, which you will learn to break down into patterns and utilise intuitively and generatively.
The Training room will be minimalistic with face to face, experiential training throughout. This allows greater time for the patterns & processes of NLP to be learned naturally through discovery.
Although this is the way we originally learned when we were infants, our institutionalised education in schools and colleges have conditioned a bias toward the consicious mind and therefore this 'discovery' method can be found, by some, to be frustrating, slow and even difficult. This small concern is outweighed by the tremendous advantage of 'switching the unconscious back on' and the generative learning amassed over the months following the course will be invaluable & natural.